
The demolition or dismantling of a structure must be planned and carried out in such a manner as to prevent danger or, where it is not practicable to prevent it, to reduce danger to as low a level as is reasonably practicable.

The arrangements for carrying out such demolition or dismantling must be recorded in writing before the demolition or dismantling work begins.

Demolition is the most high risk activity in the construction sector.

The essence of safe demolition lies in efficient risk control, environmental management and careful planning. The CDM Regulations have provided a platform from which the industry should adopt best practice, demanding written plans of work for demolition even where a project is not notifiable.

Clients and their professional advisors play a vital role in safe demolition and must:

    • Allow sufficient time for planning the works.
    • Procure an appropriate contractor (carry out safety and environmental audits).
    • Provide sufficient information to a good standard.